Sunday, February 22, 2015
Creating a Sense of Unity in a Community
I want to place emphasis on the importance of understanding the role that a worldview plays in
opinions and truth claims made on a daily basis. Because without
that understanding, all opinions and truth claims tend to just become a
large blur; communication fails, and confusion reigns. Moreover,
repeated falsehood becomes blended with absolute truth and eventually
desensitizes people to the truth, and then irrational decision-making
and behavior ensues. This is why there's so much chaos and conflict in the world. Objectivity is the unity of people because they can all safely agree on pure solid facts. Understanding and debunking those usually subjective worldviews
which are propagating falsehood become imperative if meaningful
discourse is to proceed. Keeping a proper objective worldview is key. Ultimately there is only one reality and we are all living in the same world; it's how people interpret those realities that creates "worldviews." Taking every fact, characteristic, detail, attribute, property of a certain subject/object is what will result in a thoroughly analyzed understanding. Two plus two equaling four is going to be the same for the theist as
well as the atheist. The problem is interpreting that data in
relation to the whole of reality and being able to answer the
question of “Why is it so?” You must have a full understanding in order to make an accurate interpretation. If you are not able to answer "Why?" with valid reasoning then your opinions are clearly ill-informed and not really grounded in factuality. Critical thinking is crucial. The more ignorant and less attentive you are will only cause for a much more unreliable interpretation, which is to say that the given subject is not fully understood to allow for a reputable review.
Having a Proper Understanding of the World
As we all know, opinions are like assholes; everyone has one. And although we are all entitled to our own feelings, we are not entitled to our own facts. Whether they are political, religious, moral, ethical, atheist, Christian, Buddhist, legal or illegal, these are all different views on life. However, not all opinions are necessarily true, meaning that the worldview underlying the opinion was not necessarily in conformity with
reality. For example, different religious viewpoints aren't really based on evidence; they are based on belief. Yet, the opinions and commentary continues to flow, often
without anyone questioning the worldviews forming the opinions. And ignorance is a huge issue in our society. People often buy into beliefs and ideas, certain religions and superstitions, without really analyzing them thoroughly. Therefore, their ideas are naturally less realistic. And like any religious person, they are guided by these beliefs rather than just solely focusing on solid facts. What is important is to merely focus on the reality of things and be well-rounded as well, so overall having a full understanding of every side so you can consider and analyze everything thoroughly and make the best rational decision. As long as a person has valid reasoning and makes decisions based on facts, then it is justifiable. For example: I like yoga because it relieves stress. In order to have the most proper worldview, you must analyze things from every angle objectively. As to say; you can't just consider one aspect, you have to take every objective characteristic and visual quality to make an accurate unbiased review on something. Working as a web search evaluator this is a crucial requirement; you must be able to provide objective reviews on websites and have solid information backing it up. For example: The layout of this website is very organized because everything is separated into different pages (health, beauty, fitness, etc). Be a rational person and have your valid reasoning; justify your feelings with facts and live a life grounded in reality so you can reap the best rewards out of life. This is what I strive to do.
To clarify: Objective information or analysis is fact-based, measurable and observable.
There are things in the universe that are true. You can observe them and use them as valid points of communication, like "The water is frozen." And because of the ability to observe objective characteristics of an object we can use it as a foundation of knowledge. The basis of knowledge are the laws of gravity and physics, those are the absolutes that are the essential fundamentals of discerning further knowledge on a particular subject. So it's about building on top of the basic blocks of knowledge; the absolutes, the foundation of human life in general. Because we know that gravity exists, we can expand on it and attain valid knowledge that will help us have a better understanding of things. The truth is there, we just need to interpret it properly. Cigarettes have always been harmful to your health, people were just ignorant and quite frankly hadn't done enough research or study on them. But there is general knowledge and there are objective visuals that humans rely on for good decision making, pertaining to their health and just their lives in general; if they want to live happy, healthy, successful lives. A good diet consists of specific nutrients, you must fuel your body properly. They tell us to eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables, with this objective visual characteristic we can find the right fruits and vegetables to consume. And it is about balance, consuming too much water can be poisonous. So it's about having that general essential knowledge of the world around you. And interpreting things as they should be, factually. So when you are faced with the decision of smoking, you know that they are factually harmful. They consist of toxic chemicals that are hazardous to your health, especially if exposed to them in excess. People tend to be ignorant though and mix their emotions and ill-interpretations with objective reality and thus subjectivity is born. It is best to keep personal feelings to yourself and not try to incorporate them into logical situations. For example, when asked what clothing is better suited for cold weather, you would answer logically based on facts, rather then personally based on feelings. So naturally you would answer, "Long sleeves, jackets, scarves, pants." Because those are articles of clothing that are generally suitable for cold weather.
It really is survival of the smartest out there.
Majority of people are unfortunately ignorant and are driven by personal feelings which is why there's so much chaos and conflict. If people would join together and unite by agreeing on objective reality and the things in the universe that are independently true, then there would be more unity. But people are far too busy trying to justify their feelings, as if it's just as worthy as knowledge. It's like a Christian who doesn't want to believe in science and denies it, by trying to justify Christianity. The existence of God is not subjective, he either exists or he doesn't. This goes for everything. Opinions don't make something true. If something is true, it's true independently. It is fact-based, measurable, and observable. And it's a matter of acknowledging it. If people focused on the facts rather than their feelings, the world would be a much more organized place with less chaos and destruction. And if someone is a rational human being than facts affect their feelings.
To clarify: Objective information or analysis is fact-based, measurable and observable.
There are things in the universe that are true. You can observe them and use them as valid points of communication, like "The water is frozen." And because of the ability to observe objective characteristics of an object we can use it as a foundation of knowledge. The basis of knowledge are the laws of gravity and physics, those are the absolutes that are the essential fundamentals of discerning further knowledge on a particular subject. So it's about building on top of the basic blocks of knowledge; the absolutes, the foundation of human life in general. Because we know that gravity exists, we can expand on it and attain valid knowledge that will help us have a better understanding of things. The truth is there, we just need to interpret it properly. Cigarettes have always been harmful to your health, people were just ignorant and quite frankly hadn't done enough research or study on them. But there is general knowledge and there are objective visuals that humans rely on for good decision making, pertaining to their health and just their lives in general; if they want to live happy, healthy, successful lives. A good diet consists of specific nutrients, you must fuel your body properly. They tell us to eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables, with this objective visual characteristic we can find the right fruits and vegetables to consume. And it is about balance, consuming too much water can be poisonous. So it's about having that general essential knowledge of the world around you. And interpreting things as they should be, factually. So when you are faced with the decision of smoking, you know that they are factually harmful. They consist of toxic chemicals that are hazardous to your health, especially if exposed to them in excess. People tend to be ignorant though and mix their emotions and ill-interpretations with objective reality and thus subjectivity is born. It is best to keep personal feelings to yourself and not try to incorporate them into logical situations. For example, when asked what clothing is better suited for cold weather, you would answer logically based on facts, rather then personally based on feelings. So naturally you would answer, "Long sleeves, jackets, scarves, pants." Because those are articles of clothing that are generally suitable for cold weather.
It really is survival of the smartest out there.
Majority of people are unfortunately ignorant and are driven by personal feelings which is why there's so much chaos and conflict. If people would join together and unite by agreeing on objective reality and the things in the universe that are independently true, then there would be more unity. But people are far too busy trying to justify their feelings, as if it's just as worthy as knowledge. It's like a Christian who doesn't want to believe in science and denies it, by trying to justify Christianity. The existence of God is not subjective, he either exists or he doesn't. This goes for everything. Opinions don't make something true. If something is true, it's true independently. It is fact-based, measurable, and observable. And it's a matter of acknowledging it. If people focused on the facts rather than their feelings, the world would be a much more organized place with less chaos and destruction. And if someone is a rational human being than facts affect their feelings.
On Writing
We writers seems to live through our stories because we spend so much time creating and living in these fantasy worlds that we stop living in our own. We begin to get sucked into a fictional universe and become the characters we have created, living their lives as we unfold their stories. My stories make me feel; they instigate emotion and experience so powerful that I sometimes find myself crying as I create a beautiful love story at the tips of my fingers and watch it unravel in front of me on a computer screen as my mind conjures something I could never live in the real world..
Saturday, February 21, 2015
From nature we are made, in nature we love...
If you pay close attention, you'll come to realize that even though I'm gone I never left your side. I am the wind that blows gently past you and caresses your face. I am the shelter that a tree provides you with. I am the heat on a summer day that envelops you in a warm embrace. Nothing else can accurately substitute, but if you pay close attention in nature you will find my trace. Because after all, our love was made from nature. So close your eyes and listen to the sounds of nature speak to you and maybe you will hear me too...
Thursday, February 19, 2015
This Love.. Your Love.. Our Love..
I don't know how to feel when I'm around you anymore because you're so many different things.. You are happiness and pleasure. You're pain and disappointment... But I guess you are these things because I care. Because if I didn't care, I wouldn't be affected... So whether the feelings are good or bad, I guess it's a good thing.. The opposite of love is indifference.. Although sometimes I wish I didn't care... I wish I didn't feel anything when I'm around you... But your love doesn't have a numbing effect, it burns me with passion and leaves me breathless. I could be sweetly whispering into your ear or yelling vulgarities at the top of my lungs, either way I'm burning with passion and intensely in love with you. You create such invigorating emotions within me that make my heart race and leave me light headed. And they are exclusive to your exceptional presence. You don't have to say or do a single thing and you fill me with such euphoria, with only a single glance. Your smile lights my life up with such vibrant color, everything else is oblivious to me.. Lovely human, you are truly one of a kind and I just want you to know how special you are to me. No one could ever love you like I do.. I hope that someday you will be able to love yourself and although it won't be the same appreciation or love I provided you with at least know that you are eternally loved and feel important.. Because you are. And if I can say that even after you've hurt me, then you know I sincerely mean it. And if I can love you when you don't love yourself, then that's even more reason for you to regret leaving me. But you may never regret and realize, you may never even love yourself.. And every time I fathom that thought it hurts me to such a degree that I feel a hollow pain inside of me, in my chest and in my throat every time I swallow. It's such a meaningful love that it's absence is excruciating. It's so raw and real, it scares me.. I wish you didn't make me feel the way I do.. Because now that you're gone, I have to live with this pain.. The universe works in mysterious ways and people gravitate towards each other.. Forces work together to bring people together, almost like magnets and it creates connections that when you try and separate them they still find their way back together. Try and separate two magnets and you still feel that strong force trying to reconnect them. What's meant to be will come together. The universe is surprisingly coordinated, from it's orbit to the months in a year to the life cycle of living organisms. It's these little things that we stop to realize that leave you in awe. And the love we shared will always amaze me and I will always grieve for it. Like flowers grieve for water when it hasn't rained in months... Like the earth grieves for what it's being stripped of... I can't replenish that love I have lost, nothing can replace it, but I can try and love for myself and on my own. I will continue to be as passionate and loving as I am about other aspects of my life. And every time I am reminded of you, I will acknowledge, grieve, and continue to carry on. Because sometimes there's nothing left to do, even when your heart is still speaking so loudly. You have to endure the pain and push forward with all your force; no matter how strong the connection was, no matter how hard the magnet continues to push in the opposite direction... And if you're meant to come back together, the universe will guide you back into each others arms, just like the constellations in the night sky can guide a lost traveler back home...
The Beauty of Knowledge
It's amazing and convenient that there are so many outlets for the distribution of knowledge and different mediums of education. College is more of a requirement now because you need a degree, some proof of education/training for a specific job/career. But the same textbooks a teacher reads out of and material that he teaches can be found on the internet from many reputable sources. You can watch videos/documentaries and do research on your own and probably obtain more information than you would be by sitting in a classroom restricted to a certain subject, limited to a textbook and having to listen to a professor educate you on material that you could have easily taught yourself in a much quicker time period. But you have to choose what is worth your time and why. If you have a certain career you are working towards, then enduring college may be worth it. Make your time and money worth it. Make rational decisions. You have to consider everything. What if you settle for something that is financially draining and it proves to be worthless afterwards because maybe the job you ended up getting wasn't even due to the degree you held in your hand; it was because of networking and other strategic actions. So you just wasted time and money that was, in the end, unnecessary. Find the ways around things if you can; find the loopholes in the system. It's all about knowing how to play the game. It really is a battlefield out there; survival of the smartest. The truth is the government and society wants people to live their lives a certain way that benefits them. But don't conform. Don't submit yourself. Never surrender! Because you're basically handing your life away if you do. And remember, you only live once. So do it right. Live, laugh and love is missing an L: Learn. Find the most effective ways to go about things. And then don't give up until you accomplish them. It's easier said than done, but it's harder if you don't try. Every time
you try you're making it easier and getting one step closer to success. Without applying knowledge to life, there is no rationality.
Being Well Rounded
Take everything in from every side. Religious, non-religious. It gives you a better understanding of things. And it helps you make the best objective decision. Rationality. You must view something from every angle. What if you buy a car without inspecting it on all sides and later you notice it has a huge dent on the side? Be attentive, be detail-oriented; you must emphasize on these important qualities. Justify your feelings with facts. And analyze those facts objectively. As Ricky Gervais said: "You are entitled to your own feelings, but not your own facts. And facts should affect feelings if you're a rational person."
Having the right mentality to succeed
If you want to be successful you have to be ready to put in a shitload of effort that will leave you exhausted and wanting to quit a lot of times, but you must NEVER give up. Don't give up on your passions. If you like to sing, then sing your ass off. And you have to search for opportunity, don't sit around and complain about nothing good happening. I really dislike when people whine about their lives being shitty yet do nothing to fix it. I am not a conformist; I don't just settle. You are robbing yourself if you do. These posts are almost like I'm giving myself a pep talk. These are all things I strive to do. I want to live life to the fullest and get the best out of it. There are proper ways to go about things. Especially if you're someone who values efficiency, which you should be (ideally) because life is short. You have to be someone strong and intelligent if you want to succeed in this world. You will encounter many obstacles and if you're not strong willed and minded, then this world will tear you down. You have to fight for what you want. Consistency and perseverance will be your best friends. Procrastination and hopelessness will be your enemies. I am always taking in as much knowledge and information as I can about anything and everything. I love attaining and distributing knowledge, it makes me feel fulfilled. And as stubborn as we can be, sometimes people need other people to help them realize things. Sometimes people are hopeless and don't see the potential in a situation. You need to teach yourself to be realistic and be able to find the ways to reach what you are after: happiness and success. Don't ever give up on that. And when life tries to get you to settle for anything less than your dreams, you confidently say NO DEAL because you CAN do it if you try.
Writing ignites me with such passion....
I want to write so much, I get ideas for stories all the time. Every night, I have a dream I want to turn into a story. So much to write, so little time. It frustrates me sometimes and I find myself multitasking and writing while I am making myself breakfast in the morning or out shopping. I just carry a little notebook with me everywhere and I fill them up so quickly too. One notebook equals one week, literally. All those poor trees.. How can you be a writer and an environmentalist at the same time? I worry about how much paper I use up in the time span of just a week, seriously. This is why e-books will be my alternative. And my hand will be a substitute when I'm out at a store and need something to write an idea on. I will sacrifice myself for trees. I've always thought about how much trees have to die just for books to be made and it makes me really sad because I'm a huge environmentalist. But anyway, I'm getting off topic. Writing makes me passionate; I feel the constant urge to write at different times of the day. So many things can inspire me; just going out for a walk and seeing the wind carry leaves that have fallen from a tree blow past me and be taken away to their resting place where they will wither away and die. Nature fills me with such inspiration, I want to sit in a field of red poppies and write until the sun sets and gives everything a tint of pink and orange like watercolors being splashed on a painting. And then I want to lay on a hill under the stars and let my imagination run wild as I picture myself up in the sky, swinging on a star and connecting the dots to all the constellations by hopping on each one. My head is filled with such wonder and creativity just by being outside surrounded by trees and animals. And then I am filled with thoughts and ideas for stories and I'm just so passionate to bring them to life.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
No one ever said it was easy...
You'll never achieve anything if you don't try. The key is consistency and perseverance. "Life doesn't give you what you want or love, life gives you what you fight for." All you can do is all you can do, but all you can do is enough. Remember that when you are feeling hopeless and down. People put in minimal effort and then complain that something's not working. Well, if you're not putting in the necessary effort then you won't really get anywhere. But people get discouraged and think that because something's not working it'll never work, and depression can contribute to that as well. But that's where the problem is; that's what is holding you back. You need to be realistic, but you need to be attentive to positive solutions if you want to be successful. Don't be lazy and sit there complaining about something not being right; get the fuck up and haul ass to make it work and stop whining about it being hard (anything worth having is going to most likely be hell to fight for). You have to make it right. "My dumb car is a piece of shit and needs all this work done.." Well, it ain't going to fix itself. Success is something that must be obtained. It is about doing shit right and reaping the best rewards out of life. No one is born successful. Unless of course you're a lucky bastard who was born into a wealthy family and inherited all this money. But I feel that the things you earn in life are the most special because you appreciate them more. And you must never give up; don't ever give up on something you love and are passionate about. I will never give up on writing, whether I get published or not. But it's also something that I can't help; I just naturally find myself picking up a pen and paper and writing pretty much anytime and anywhere. I'll be at the grocery store with my little notebook and suddenly stop in the middle of an aisle to jot something down. Sit down and truly evaluate your whole life and get your priorities straight; what is important to you and your happiness and why? Because sometimes we sit around and complain about being unhappy while not taking any actions to work towards happiness. Or not really knowing what makes us happy altogether. People set themselves up for failure.
My words are only a small representation of my incredible love for you. Writing everything I feel to you would be impossible because some things are unexplainable.
Deep Like The Ocean~
A deep connection is only once in a lifetime, nothing else can compare to such a deep passionate love... When someone tries to move on from that and see other people is when they realize what they lost.
You have a friend in me forever
You've found someone here who will never leave your side, I'll be here with you through it all. Because when I say forever I mean it... I'm not like all the other people who have walked in and out of your life. With me, you will never have to fear loneliness. I'll hold you tight and stay with you through the night. Everything will be alright.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Business Tactics
Persuade then promote. Why persuade first? Because if you're trying to sell a product/service that a person doesn't even know they need/want then the chances are you're just another vendor trying to make some profit. And people will second guess your motives and product quality. Give them a valid reason for considering what you're offering. You have to be organized and intelligent. Start off by asking a question that summarizes the main idea of the product. You will either get a positive or negative response depending on how well you explained it and how interested the person is/could be. Here's an example: "Hi there. Are you someone who likes to save money?" Most likely they will respond with a positive: "Yes." Then you can ease the conversation up by laughing and saying "Well wouldn't we all?" You have to create a comfortable environment; this is very important. People are more likely to buy from you if you have an easygoing personality and seem trustworthy. Efficiency is also important so try to waste as little time as possible. After all, the service you are promoting (with the given example) is something that will save them money. So be an all around efficient provider and present a quick and clean presentation. Maybe even start of by introducing yourself as someone who values time and efficiency; basically let them know that you're not fucking around. You are only serious in making a sell if the buyer can actually benefit because how would you look as a business person if the service did not save them money like you claimed it would? Bad feedback is really harmful to a company, especially when you're starting out and making a reputation. You want the feedback people give to be positive. So put an emphasis on the value of integrity. The most important traits of a business person are: trustworthy, reliable, quick and thorough, organized, professional, and legit. You want to make sure that your claims aren't just used as bait to reel people in; these kinds of "businesses" get nowhere good. They are not building a strong foundation based on honesty and trust. Don't hype up your clients for something you won't be able to follow through with. Because the relationship you have with your clients will be the most important to your business. People are your inventory; without customers your business won't go anywhere.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Let The Wind Sway You~ And Be Swept Away
I get into the details because I'm detail-oriented. I will write you novels of messages. And pages of poems. Attentive to every crisp detail, because they deserve to be acknowledged. The shimmer of the moon, the creases in the pages of a book, the way
someone's eyes align with the sides of their mouth when they smile, how
fresh the air smells after it rains, the drowned out bass in a song, the way a flower tilts up towards the sun, the intricate lines and patterns in a dress... So many things are left unnoticed and unappreciated, it saddens me. I love to write, I am a writer. I am attentive, I'm an observer of every objective visual quality; I am a storyteller, I take things and make something out of them. Whether just a simple reference or comment, or a whole novel. And my subjectivity, my feelings, are pure passion. I want to write about these things and let the world know. I want them to marvel at these things and be filled with emotion like I am. I want to be the spark in a flame, I want to ignite vibrant passion. Everything that is something deserves to be acknowledged.
Lessons On Love and Success (Succeeding in what you love)
If you have the preconceived notion that something's not going to work out, then you know what it's probably not. This is something my ex-girlfriend would tell me; words from the mouth of the hypocrite herself. "It's like you're setting yourself up for failure." You have no right to make an assumption that something won't work out, if you're not willing to see it through. That is ignorance. And if you put forth the effort that is necessary to make it work and you know within yourself that you are capable of it because you are willing to do what it takes, then you will and believe me you will see success. They say that when someone really wants something they won't give up on it. They will always find at least one justifiable reason to stay and fight for it. "It's my dream, it's my passion!" But it's pretty silly when someone tells you they really really want to make something work and then they turn around about a week later, after an explosion of anger and reverting back to lazy selfish ways, and just leave it at "it's not working out so I'm done!" If it's space that you need it's understandable, if it's time to think and work on yourself and whatever other necessities. But to just give up on something and make it so final, just makes it seem like you never really wanted it as much as you claimed to. And it makes you look like a really confused person who doesn't know what they want or how to achieve what they want. Just because something isn't working out, because of imposing situations/circumstances and someone's behavior/actions, doesn't mean it never will or can't. Where there's a willing person, there's a way. Where there's a person who sees failure as permanent downfall or stagnation, rather than a learning experience and time to strengthen, that's where the problem is. It's not so much what they are trying to achieve or with who, it's themselves. They are their biggest enemy. The best thing is when you have two people working together as a team and willing to do what it takes to salvage their relationship. Because that's what it takes. It takes two strong, willing, compromising people to make any relationship work. And if you're not that kind of person, or willing to be, then you're not right for any potentially successful relationship period. Those are personal things you must conquer, not something you blame on your partner. You have to find the strength and compassion and willingness to make something right within yourself. And then shine that positivity on to others who are feeling hopeless and down. Because that's how you help each other reach success. No one is positive, happy-dandy all the time. We need support and motivation sometimes. That's called teamwork. It's about following through with your commitment of being there for a person in their time of need, to pick them up when they fall down. We are all generally after the same objective in life. Any smart couple with the right kind of perspective and ideals can be ultimately united and make something work. What do you think it takes to make two people compatible for success? It's those basic good qualities. The fundamentals of a healthy relationship are general objective characteristics. And you are capable, if you are willing. We all just want to be happy and successful, don't we? So why not help each other out? And what more inspiration then doing it for the one you love? Unless of course you're a selfish fuck who is ill-suited for relationships.
You can do it
You'll never achieve anything, if you don't try. The key is consistency
and perseverance. "Life doesn't give you what you want or love, life
gives you what you fight for." And "All you can do is all you can do,
but all you can do is enough." Remember that when you are feeling
hopeless and down. People put in minimal effort and then complain that
something's not working. Well, if you're not putting in the necessary
effort then you won't really get anywhere. But people get discouraged
and think that because something's not working (as quickly as they'd like it to) it'll never work, and
depression can contribute to that as well. But that's where the problem
is; that's what is holding you back. You need to be realistic, but you
need to be attentive to positive solutions if you want to make something
better. Don't be lazy and sit there complaining about something not
being right; get the fuck up and haul ass to make it work and stop
whining about it being hard (anything worth having is going to most
likely be hell to fight for). You have to make it right. "My dumb car is
a piece of shit and needs all this work done.." Well, it ain't going to
fix itself. Success is something that must be obtained. It is about
doing shit right and reaping the best rewards out of life. No one is
born successful. Unless of course you're a lucky bastard who was born
into a wealthy family and inherited all this money. But I feel that the
things you earn in life are the most special; you appreciate them more.
And you must never give up; don't ever give up on something you love and
are passionate about. I will never give up on writing, whether I get
published or not. But it's also something that I can't help; I just
naturally find myself picking up a pen and paper and writing pretty much
anytime and anywhere. I'll be at the grocery store with my little
notebook and suddenly stop in the middle of an aisle to jot something
down. Sit down and truly evaluate your whole life and get your
priorities straight; what is important to you and your happiness and
why? Because sometimes the reasons are more important to focus on than
the given thing. And sometimes the reasons aren't truly beneficial to
your life. You have to consider everything objectively. For example: "I
like eating fried food." Your only valid reason may be that it tastes
good, but is it really good for you health-wise? You must evaluate whether it's overall good for you or not. Moderation would be key here though. Compromising your food preferences for food that is actually good for you. You want to live your life the best way possible, right? You want to be healthy and fruitful and efficient and successful. And you can achieve that, if you do things properly.
Reality (and having a proper worldview)
There are things that are true in this world and then people form feelings based on those facts. Justify your feelings with facts. It's ignorant to form feelings on something you aren't considering the facts on. Like well, I like this car. "Oh really, but did you know that it has high mileage and engine problems?" You truly have to consider and analyze everything, in order to make a smart well-rounded decision. Be intelligent, have valid reasons. Don't live your life foolishly, like so many people do. "Don't want to be an American idiot." One of the biggest contributors to brainwashing people is the media and just society in general. This is one of the reasons why I'm so against those things. I have my valid reasoning. I really admire a lot of intelligent people, like Ricky Gervais for example. He distributes a lot of knowledge and he keeps an objective perspective. I really idolize logical people like that. One of my favorite quotes by him is: "The existence of God is not subjective. He either exists or he doesn't. It's not a matter of opinion. You can have your own opinions, but not your own facts." Reality is reality, acknowledge it properly.
Advice For A Healthy Mind (Healthy Food For Thought)
Clear your head... If you are filled with worries and your mind is racing with thoughts much like cars on a freeway, stop... Breathe, recollect yourself... One, two, three..... Let's throw away that messy paper and grab a nice new clean sheet. Now, start of by thinking about things individually. What is the main thing that is bothering you? You'll never resolve it if you don't focus on that one thing. So instead of worrying about it, be productive and think of solutions. You are being realistic because you're acknowledging the reality of it and now you're trying to do something about it. Keeping an objective perspective is important. You must be able to put your feelings to the side and make rational decisions.
The Power Of Love
Pick me up when I fall down
My bruised knees will heal
Nurse me back to health
Like a mother nurses her sick child
Your love is better than any medicine
This love is worth more
Than any obstacle we can encounter
Together we will fight through it
As a team
Don't let me go
Don't give up on me
I need your patience and support
More than ever right now
I'm just learning to fly
I've only just begun to spread my wings
And I promise if you stay
We will soar through the skies together
Never give up on me
Because we're worth it
And know that in the end we'll get through it
As a team
United as one
You're my partner
You're my savior
Save me from the claws of this world
That try to drag you down
Into a never ending cycle
Society is enslaving
Open my eyes
When I fail to realize
Don't let me fall into the dark abyss
You found me
Now don't let me get lost
Hold on to me tight
Whisper into my ear
"It'll be alright"
We'll make it all right
And no one can stop us
Because we know more than anyone else
What we can do
And we can do it
If we just stay together
Forever is only forever
If you make it be
And I will fight for eternity
My bruised knees will heal
Nurse me back to health
Like a mother nurses her sick child
Your love is better than any medicine
This love is worth more
Than any obstacle we can encounter
Together we will fight through it
As a team
Don't let me go
Don't give up on me
I need your patience and support
More than ever right now
I'm just learning to fly
I've only just begun to spread my wings
And I promise if you stay
We will soar through the skies together
Never give up on me
Because we're worth it
And know that in the end we'll get through it
As a team
United as one
You're my partner
You're my savior
Save me from the claws of this world
That try to drag you down
Into a never ending cycle
Society is enslaving
Open my eyes
When I fail to realize
Don't let me fall into the dark abyss
You found me
Now don't let me get lost
Hold on to me tight
Whisper into my ear
"It'll be alright"
We'll make it all right
And no one can stop us
Because we know more than anyone else
What we can do
And we can do it
If we just stay together
Forever is only forever
If you make it be
And I will fight for eternity
Making things the way they should be... Because we can
Working through problems and actually making a change to make things better can make a relationship better, stronger, and last longer. The key aspect here is: change. However, it's really hard for people to change; to break bad habits and do things the right way. And so they kind of give up... When they do, everybody loses. Giving up is one of the worst things you can do. The vast majority of long-term successful couples break up and get back together various times before achieving success. Because on the path to success, you will be met with failure. But you keep trying until you get it right. It's like practicing to play and instrument. It's a learning process. And you should never give up on something you love. Anything worth having will be hard to fight for. Life doesn't give us what we want or love. Life gives us what we fight for. So if you want something, be prepared to put blood sweat and tears into it. Be prepared to go out into the battlefield. Because nothing in life is free. You earn what you win, you win what you deserve. Now stop whining and being a pussy and get out there. Success isn't going to land on your doorstep. If you want something to work, you will make it work. You won't complain about how it isn't working. You will acknowledge your wrongdoing and find positive solutions; you will find a way to make it work if it's something you want. Because remember, where there's a will there's a way. And stop talking; talk is cheap. Let your actions speak for you. You'll get a lot farther that way and accomplish a lot more.
Never Give Up
We can make it the best... Together.
Let's be the exception...
We are not like any of them.
Let's be the exception...
We are not like any of them.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Love Stuff
Love is being able to put someone else before you. Love is kind and patient and understanding and forgiving. And love is unconditional. It is compromise and sacrifice. And fighting till the death. Love is going to the extreme. And doing things that you wouldn't do otherwise. Love is worth fighting for.
Real genuine love always prevails...
I remember getting that feeling when I first started talking to you, that giddy feeling of excitement and nervousness, just by seeing that you were logged on. That green little dot made my heart race and it put an automatic smile on my face. It was close to that feeling you get on Christmas when you're a little kid, but ten times better. As a matter of fact, we talked all of Christmas day (and Christmas Eve) and I have to say it was the best Christmas I ever had... Those things you made me feel, they're exclusive to you. Only you can do that to me. And I feel so powerless that you have that control over me...
True love is not logical, it's emotional.
You were my lover, my best friend, my pride and joy, my hero, my salvation, my motivation... You were my everything and more in one...
What's meant to be will be.... Let it go and if it comes back it was always yours. If it doesn't it never was.
Nothing starts out successful, you have to do the right thing, you have to take the proper steps to make it successful. If you want to make it work, you got to make it right.
Real genuine love always prevails...
I remember getting that feeling when I first started talking to you, that giddy feeling of excitement and nervousness, just by seeing that you were logged on. That green little dot made my heart race and it put an automatic smile on my face. It was close to that feeling you get on Christmas when you're a little kid, but ten times better. As a matter of fact, we talked all of Christmas day (and Christmas Eve) and I have to say it was the best Christmas I ever had... Those things you made me feel, they're exclusive to you. Only you can do that to me. And I feel so powerless that you have that control over me...
True love is not logical, it's emotional.
You were my lover, my best friend, my pride and joy, my hero, my salvation, my motivation... You were my everything and more in one...
What's meant to be will be.... Let it go and if it comes back it was always yours. If it doesn't it never was.
Nothing starts out successful, you have to do the right thing, you have to take the proper steps to make it successful. If you want to make it work, you got to make it right.
What I want in a lover...
Someone who would fight as much as I do for love
Someone who is ambitious and determined
Someone who is passionate and romantic
Someone who doesn't give up
Someone who fights for what they love
Someone who will always find a way to make things work
Someone who will pick me up instead of putting me down
Someone who will show up at my door at 3 in the morning and pour their heart out to me
Someone who will serenade me and do that stuff you see in movies
Someone adventurous and spontaneous
Someone who will follow through with what they say and keep their promises
Someone faithful and loyal
Someone that's only ever been mine
Someone that knows how to make sweet love to me and fuck me really good
Someone confident who knows what they are and what they have
Someone who doesn't feed into the media
Someone rebellious and doesn't conform to society's expectations
Someone who will stay up with me all night
Someone who is willing to listen to anything I have to say
Someone who is on my mind and in my dreams
Someone who knows what they want and won't stop until they get it
Someone who is imaginative and creative
Someone who is attentive and detail-oriented
Someone who can appreciate and value me
Someone who texts me just to tell me they love me
Someone who just grabs me and kisses me when they feel like it
Someone who I'm addicted to and can't get enough of
Someone who I'll never get used to
Someone who continues to amaze me and never bores me
Someone that I could never get over even when I'm trying to move on
Someone who's so different than me but has so much in common
Someone who wouldn't leave me no matter what
Someone who always sees the best in me
Someone who can give me the unconditional love and support I deserve
Someone who is competitive and likes to be on top
Someone who can realize and acknowledge what they have in me
Someone who will actually always be there when they tell me they will
Someone who will never leave me alone when I'm sad
Someone who will never let me cry myself to sleep
Someone who would always choose me
Someone that believes in me and doesn't doubt me
Someone that will always remember the good times even when we're going through bad times
Someone who will regret it every time they hurt me and want to make things better
Someone who will always come back after they leave
Someone who is ambitious and determined
Someone who is passionate and romantic
Someone who doesn't give up
Someone who fights for what they love
Someone who will always find a way to make things work
Someone who will pick me up instead of putting me down
Someone who will show up at my door at 3 in the morning and pour their heart out to me
Someone who will serenade me and do that stuff you see in movies
Someone adventurous and spontaneous
Someone who will follow through with what they say and keep their promises
Someone faithful and loyal
Someone that's only ever been mine
Someone that knows how to make sweet love to me and fuck me really good
Someone confident who knows what they are and what they have
Someone who doesn't feed into the media
Someone rebellious and doesn't conform to society's expectations
Someone who will stay up with me all night
Someone who is willing to listen to anything I have to say
Someone who is on my mind and in my dreams
Someone who knows what they want and won't stop until they get it
Someone who is imaginative and creative
Someone who is attentive and detail-oriented
Someone who can appreciate and value me
Someone who texts me just to tell me they love me
Someone who just grabs me and kisses me when they feel like it
Someone who I'm addicted to and can't get enough of
Someone who I'll never get used to
Someone who continues to amaze me and never bores me
Someone that I could never get over even when I'm trying to move on
Someone who's so different than me but has so much in common
Someone who wouldn't leave me no matter what
Someone who always sees the best in me
Someone who can give me the unconditional love and support I deserve
Someone who is competitive and likes to be on top
Someone who can realize and acknowledge what they have in me
Someone who will actually always be there when they tell me they will
Someone who will never leave me alone when I'm sad
Someone who will never let me cry myself to sleep
Someone who would always choose me
Someone that believes in me and doesn't doubt me
Someone that will always remember the good times even when we're going through bad times
Someone who will regret it every time they hurt me and want to make things better
Someone who will always come back after they leave
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Here you are searching the world for someone to love you
When there's someone here that would die for you...
When there's someone here that loves you more than anybody else ever could
When there's someone here that would choose you over anyone else
When there's someone here that would give you everything and more
When there's someone here that keeps all their promises and is loyal and faithful and sincere
You have that person right here...
Nothing compares to your embrace
No one else can make my heart race...
These dreams that I chase
You're in every single one of my happy endings
You were my happy beginning
When you told me I was the girl of your dreams
Were you prepared to let me make your dreams come true?
I want to be happy
Just as much as you
I see your picture
I can almost hear your voice
It's moments like that
That tear me up inside
Knowing you're gone
And all I have is what you left behind
Photos and memories
Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it...
But I still believe there’s something left for me here, or else my heart wouldn’t be speaking so loudly every time I think of you.... And I try to move on, but something keeps holding me back...
Soon I came to realize that nothing I could say would save you, so I had to let you go... I had to stop holding on to you so tight, while you were slipping away from my grip slowly. I truly hope that you find happiness wherever life may take you. And I have to accept that it might not ever lead you back into my arms. But I love you and want you to be happy and if you would be happier without me than I’d rather let you go... But you will always be missed and loved dearly...
Aside from being my first love, the love we shared was powerful and amazing.. I can search high and low, but no one will ever make me feel the same way. There is no replication... It's such a beautiful incarnation... All my love for you wasn’t enough to get you to stay.. I hope that someday you will be able to love yourself the same way..
When there's someone here that would die for you...
When there's someone here that loves you more than anybody else ever could
When there's someone here that would choose you over anyone else
When there's someone here that would give you everything and more
When there's someone here that keeps all their promises and is loyal and faithful and sincere
You have that person right here...
Nothing compares to your embrace
No one else can make my heart race...
These dreams that I chase
You're in every single one of my happy endings
You were my happy beginning
When you told me I was the girl of your dreams
Were you prepared to let me make your dreams come true?
I want to be happy
Just as much as you
I see your picture
I can almost hear your voice
It's moments like that
That tear me up inside
Knowing you're gone
And all I have is what you left behind
Photos and memories
Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it...
But I still believe there’s something left for me here, or else my heart wouldn’t be speaking so loudly every time I think of you.... And I try to move on, but something keeps holding me back...
Soon I came to realize that nothing I could say would save you, so I had to let you go... I had to stop holding on to you so tight, while you were slipping away from my grip slowly. I truly hope that you find happiness wherever life may take you. And I have to accept that it might not ever lead you back into my arms. But I love you and want you to be happy and if you would be happier without me than I’d rather let you go... But you will always be missed and loved dearly...
Aside from being my first love, the love we shared was powerful and amazing.. I can search high and low, but no one will ever make me feel the same way. There is no replication... It's such a beautiful incarnation... All my love for you wasn’t enough to get you to stay.. I hope that someday you will be able to love yourself the same way..
I understand, do you?...
Putting myself into your situation, I can understand what you felt and why. You said you felt trapped; you wanted time to grow as an individual. Sometimes, growing and learning together as a couple isn't enough. You need space. And I can understand and respect that. You wanted to make sure that the way you were living life was really the way you wanted to live it. You needed to be alone to truly realize what you wanted and what you had, so that you can value and appreciate and the things that are truly important in your life will become evident. You wanted to find happiness on your own and not be relying on each other completely, and that's healthy. And we did this when we were together as well; we found happiness and enjoyment out of video games and other hobbies. I would always be writing at some point of the day, whether on my laptop or in a notebook and just pretty much anywhere I could write. Writing makes me happy; I feel empowered when I write, I'm so passionate about being able to create stories with my words and putting my thoughts and ideas on paper. But I understand that primarily, you just needed space and time alone. I think we both did, as much as I hate being apart from you. You went to extremes though and you made this split final; you wanted no hopes of reuniting, which is pretty crazy considering all we had been through together and the bond and chemistry and love we had because you can't just disregard any of that. And I tried to fight for this, I really did and I was following through with what I said because I told you I would fight for us. And I can actually value so I would never consider leaving you like that and giving up on you. Anger and hurt built up towards resentment and you said some really vile shit. You are not in any kind of rational understanding state of mind when you're angry and being hurtful so don't make any decisions at all. Wait until you calm down and are able to fully analyze the situation and make a rational decision. This is the best advice you can remind yourself of when you're angry. I hope you come to find all of the things that make you happy and you may even realize that some of the things that made you the happiest were things that you threw away. they say you don't really know what you have until it's gone so to truly appreciate something you have to lose it. And if it comes back, it was always your's. If it doesn't, it never was. But I guess nothing really ever is your's for the keeping because sooner or later, death comes knocking at your door and takes it away forever... It's only your's for as long as you can make it... So if you truly love something, hold on to it while you can. My dad told me a story about his Star Wars action figures he had as a kid; he was your typical bored teenager on a summer afternoon and what started off as a brilliant idea ended up being a terrible mistake. Him and his friend Ryan had some leftover 4th of July firecrackers and they had planned to tie my dad's once beloved Star Wars figures to them and watch them blow up into pieces, down by a little creek that ran by his house. My dad said he thought he had pretty much outgrown them and they were just packed away in a little box in his room anyway. Well it wasn't after he saw the remains of his action figures, bits and pieces of melted plastic here and there, that he quickly began to regret what he did. These were action figures he had played with for years and saved up money to buy, they were a part of his childhood; they were special.. And now they were all blown up and dismembered, out of recognition. Just a little life lesson to not be quick to get rid of something you may later regret giving up. Because sometimes it's a little to late to get it back.
"You are your biggest enemy"
When it comes down to your success, to the decisions you make, to your life in general; you are indeed your biggest enemy. Nothing is holding you back more than yourself and your inner fears and tendency to procrastinate; whatever it is that may be keeping you from accomplishing something positive. You have to have the right kind of mindset in order to be successful. Success is ultimate happiness with oneself, although it is not selfish because you may feel good as a person when you help other people and just make a change for the better in the world around you. You can't hold yourself back; if you're not moving forward, you need to push yourself forward. Other people can offer support and help, but ultimately it's up to you to make a positive difference in your life. You need to start off by finding motivation in the world around you, something that pushes you forward; something that is worth fighting for. People rarely change for themselves, they do it for the ones the love; they do it to make them proud. When you ask someone why they're working towards something life changing, perhaps a financial goal, their "why" is mostly always a loved one. This is our passion, this is what gets our drive going. This is why the importance of loved ones, whether familial or romantic, is so grand. It is the main purpose for our struggle, because we want to succeed for them, we want to be worth something in someone else's eyes because when we're dead and gone the impact that we had on other people is what will live on. So cherish and value your loved ones, they are your absolute; they are your reason for giving it your 100% every damn day you wake up; they are the reason you continue to push forward no matter how tough times get.. And remember, no one can stand in your way, no one else can decide your future; you are in control. Steer yourself in the right direction. And to do so you must educate and inform yourself. Be smart, be efficient. Rise above. You can do it. Whatever you put your mind to, you can achieve. And remember: it is up to you to make it work. So instead of being your biggest enemy, be your biggest cheerleader and root yourself on as you continue to push past all of the obstacles life throws at you. And be prepared for the trials and tribulations; the hardships you will encounter, unfortunately they are a part of life. Success and happiness will come your way, as long as you never give up. Listen: You must never ever give up! Especially not on something you love.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
The importance of communication
Arguments happen in every relationship. And we would argue about really silly, unnecessary shit. But it wasn't so much the subject matter, it was how we would communicate. It's amazing what a little change of tone can do to your conversation. And when you begin interrupting the other person because maybe the point their making clashes with yours and sometimes you think if Judge Judy was there to silence the other person and let you finish talking, things would go a lot smoother. But we are adults and CAN handle these situations properly on our own, like adults. It just takes time to form good communication habits. I can't stress how important communication is; it's the basis of every relationship. A successful relationship is built on trust and good communication. It's funny when you have two people who agree on pretty much everything because their conversations are based on logic and facts, yet they somehow turn what could've been a really productive conversation into a fight because one person decides to be immature. I remember asking you "Why do you act like such a child sometimes?" And you responded with "Because I am a child!" I think that's the main thing is you have to be mature for a relationship to work out, this is why children don't date. And it's amazing when you can both grow and learn together and blossom into something so lovely.
Monday, February 2, 2015
You know... After having all this time to think about it, I don't even want to be your friend anymore. Quite frankly because you don't deserve it. You don't deserve a lot of shit. You just deserve shit. I'm glad I'm able to say that now; it feels so fucking good you don't even know.... Don't get me wrong, I still love you (unfortunately). But I don't want to expend any more energy than that; that's already too much when I shouldn't be expending any energy on you at all. You ungrateful bitch. I hope someday you learn how to truly value and appreciate what you have/had. You're lucky about a lot of things; you're lucky I was even ever your girlfriend, you're lucky you were my first everything, you're lucky I trusted you, you're lucky I loved you to all fucking capacities and still continue
to, you're lucky you had these absolutes in me, you're lucky I put up with so much shit, you're lucky I was willing to do what it took to save this, you're lucky I was willing to change for the better and put in all this effort, you're lucky I haven't unfriended your ass on Facebook where you can continue to keep tabs on me (a website you supposedly didn't use/like going on anymore). You're a lying piece of shit; you are unreliable. Just.. "So many things." It's rare to find someone who truly gives a shit about you and you had that and more and everything in me and I could've been the best for you, but you threw it all away. You really don't know how to value what you have, do you? You really aren't afraid to lose what you have because you take it for granted, don't you? You think you have me so secured. Even though you spit all this vile shit at me, you know deep down inside (no matter how much you pretend not to care), you know that I'll always be there because I'm your fucking absolute. And so you do this with that in mind and you are so prideful and cocky. And I hope you feel guilty about being a piece of shit. I hope it eats you up inside every day. They say you don't realize what you have until it's gone, well I honestly don't think you ever will because you're just that fucking ignorant. I mean, you didn't even really know who I was. I couldn't believe that after being with you for almost three damn years of my life, you were bashing me about all this shit and the person you thought I was and there were just so many misunderstandings. It was really sad that you didn't even really understand me. I am a very intelligent attentive person and I'm proud about that and I won't let some piece of shit who didn't even truly consider/analyze what I said to fucking label me as a stupid person with "terrible worldviews." How about you're the stupid one who has terrible interpretations and horrible communication skills therefore has no right to make an accusation like that and can't even be trusted with what you say because you're so unreliable and confused and blinded by your ignorance and just..... I'm not trying to pin the blame on anyone else, like you fucking do (you play the blame game, you blame me for how "miserable" your life was), but your parents are HUGE enablers. You said I was trying to get you to do telecommuting and all this shit when you had said you were interested in doing it yourself; no one was forcing you. You said you didn't even want to go back to college, you said a lot of shit. The ones that wanted you to do something specific was your parents, they're very traditional and wanted you to go to school and get a job
the typical. What they didn't realize is that we weren't necessarily against that, we just wanted to try doing things differently. We even said that if we decided on a career that needed specific education/experience then we would go to school for it. And you misunderstood me on so many levels as did your parents because I never really truly sat down and talked to them and you and I would just end up fighting or something and even when we didn't, now I'm questioning whether you truly even payed attention to what I had to say or not because I'm starting to think you are just that ignorant that you either didn't really care or truly analyze anything (or both). Hence the fact that you say and do a lot of stupid shit. And your parents hated that I was so ambitious and had all these silly plans and ideas for my future. Your mom laughed at me when I tried talking to her about telecommuting that one time she was driving me home; her only response was: "No Daisy, Caroline needs to go back to school." So it really seemed that the ones trying to trap you and restrict you were your parents. We (on the other hand) wanted to be free from all of that, from society, from everyone. Because just conforming to society seems to be a dead end to me. And no that doesn't mean (I have to emphasize so that you don't misunderstand me, like you often did) that we can't go to school or get a job where we are commuting to a public workplace. It just means we want to waste as little fucking time and energy and money as possible. We want to be as efficient as possible. We want to find the ways around the system. We want to rise above all that shit. We want to be smart. We want to get the best out of life. And you know, you don't need to sit in a classroom to justify knowledge or experience; knowledge/education is not limited to school. There's so many other ways to learn things. College is the traditional way; it's also a requirement for some careers. So yes, in that aspect it's beneficial. It's the traditional way to learn, but surely not the most cost or time efficient. And that's what I was always trying to emphasize on and would be misunderstood and "Oh Daisy is so stubborn and she's so ambitious and she has terrible ideas she's just so silly, silly silly." I can't wait to prove you all wrong. You have me made out to be who I'm most definitely not so the silly ones here are you guys. I know what I am and what I'm not. And I've been told my whole life that I'm gifted and I'm different and even my teacher's would tell me parents "this girl is not like anyone else; this girl is special." I am very detail-oriented. I like to thoroughly analyze things. I like to find ways around things. And I take pride in that. And I'm not vain, because I put my loved ones in front of me. I have wanted to kill myself before because I felt hopeless and useless because of the situations I've encountered in life. If I didn't have my loved ones, I wouldn't want to live. I live for the ones I love; I live to please them because what is life if you've only got yourself? There's nothing to prove, there's nothing to experience other than solitude and loneliness. And majority of people can agree with that because humans are by nature co-dependent creatures no matter how independent they may be, they still rely on other people for many aspects of their lives that they may not even consider or think about in the grand scheme of things. But when you truly sit down and analyze, like I do, you will come to realize that without each other we would be nothing. So I don't hate humans, I'm rather dissapointed in them for being so ignorant and doing so many stupid things. I am a HUGE environmentalist/animal lover. I like to focus on reality and do the right thing. I have proper ideals and I keep an objective worldview/perspective (because that's what everyone should do). I want to be healthy, I want to reap the best rewards out of life. And because life is short, I want to waste as little time as possible. My intentions are good, what we had was fucking amazing...


Sunday, February 1, 2015
Having a proper worldview
-Focus on reality
-Know how to differentiate reality from fantasy
-Acknowledge and consider everything
-Analyze everything thoroughly
-View things from every angle
-Be detail-oriented
-Be attentive
-Be open-minded (don't dismiss religion just because you dislike it)
-Think about things within a realm of reality
-Set realistic goals
-Have realistic ideas
-Keep and objective perspective
-Be able to put your feelings (subjectivity) to the side
-Be rational
-Be well-rounded
-Stay calm (as much as possible)
-Attain knowledge
-Be confident
-Focus on reality
-Know how to differentiate reality from fantasy
-Acknowledge and consider everything
-Analyze everything thoroughly
-View things from every angle
-Be detail-oriented
-Be attentive
-Be open-minded (don't dismiss religion just because you dislike it)
-Think about things within a realm of reality
-Set realistic goals
-Have realistic ideas
-Keep and objective perspective
-Be able to put your feelings (subjectivity) to the side
-Be rational
-Be well-rounded
-Stay calm (as much as possible)
-Attain knowledge
-Be confident
Think about it...
I know a lot of expectancy was placed on you and you were under a lot of pressure and I'm sorry; I don't want you to think I don't understand you because I think out of everyone I understood you the most and you took me for granted. We would get into a fight that would blow out of proportion a few times a month and next thing I knew you were throwing my stuff in garbage bags. It's like our relationship is a song stuck on repeat. You said it was a gradual change from one spectrum to the other, but you literally went from wanting to work things out just a week before you broke up with me to "I never want to be with you again!" That kind of sounds like someone who doesn't know what the fuck they want, or better yet someone that doesn't know what they have. You had told me a week before you "permanently" broke things off with me "I really want this to work, I really really do." And because of your lack of self control, that night you came to pick me up you blew up in my face and completely showed the opposite of what you had said. Such unreliability. I hope you told your friends and family about that; I hope you told your friends and family everything about you. And not just pin all the blame on me because it really seems to be a fucking blame game with you. And your parents are huge enablers, which is why I worry you won't ever change. And the tidbits your parents would hear was shit you would skew around and tell them about me or silly arguments they would overhear so they had a poor perception of me and who I really am. It's quite sad. And your parents are really traditional so I could tell they hated my ideas and plans for the future, they thought I was silly. Like look at this ambitious girl trying to steer our daughter down a different path, even though you made it clear that you had already given college a try and wanted to try doing things differently (it was a personal decision, or so I had thought). But then you turn around and tell me I had such different ideas and ideals than you, so much that they were irreconcilable. Really Caroline? The real discrepancy here was yourself. Because I'm here willing to put in 100% and do what it takes to make it work. It's silly because we bonded over a lot of things and when we had arguments it wasn't even that we necessarily disagreed because we would have really logical factual conversations; it's just that we would communicate in a way that would piss the other person off. You told me a conversation is supposed to grow organically and we should be able to talk about whatever and that's what I always told you, but what bothered me was when you would cut me off before I was even able to make my initial point and then misunderstandings would happen and blah. We had a lot of proper ideals and we had mutual ideas and plans for our future. We were smart and wanted to just focus on reality and do the right thing. And we were trying, but it takes time. So ask yourself, was the relationship really all that bad, or was it just you?
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