Thursday, April 23, 2015

Happiness Comes From Inside

If you can't find happiness within yourself then you won't find it anywhere else.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Can we unite in truth?

People interpret things the way they want rather than the way they should be, solely on facts. This creates unnecessary bias and opinions. And people seem to think that their opinions are just as good as knowledge which promotes ignorance. This world lacks organization and it is mainly because people fail to do things properly.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

If there is a God, please help us...

Why does there have to be so much conflict and chaos? All this separation and segregation. All these clashing heads. Vast array of religion. Can't people just agree on pure solid facts and unite together as a team? We're all in this together, we're all living in the same world facing similar problems, so why must we bring each other down? We all have the same general objectives, the essentials for life and surviving. We all just want to reap the best rewards out of life and find happiness and success. Why fight over pieces of land like animals? Knocking others down just to bring ourselves up. All this hunger for power and money. All this pollution and overpopulation. Why not learn to co-exist together in peace? People just refuse to do things right; people would rather destroy and fight. It's no surprise that there is more divorce than reconciliation. It's so disappointing that people just can't stay together. And those old couples you see have become some sort of myth. Because people can't do shit properly, people can't really co-exist peacefully.

The Idiot Box

The media is deceiving and it specializes in brainwashing people, forming an ignorant society. Television sucks you in and has you wasting time that people should value more and use more productively. It's a regression. In moderation, it's fine as a hobby, but people spend a large amount of time sitting in front of a television screen doing nothing and getting nowhere. Giving up time of their life that they will never get back just to feed into advertising and bullshit riddled media; glamorized television shows that are hyped up to suck in viewers that would rather waste their time watching people lead fake lives than just living their own and doing something actually worthwhile that will overall benefit them better. Something actually productive, instead of just sitting and consuming.

Time is something we all give but never get back. Be wise with your time.

And be careful with what the media feeds you.

Fuck The System

Regrettably, I was not awake enough to tell my young children about the game that we are all playing, and that their participation is optional. Fortunately, my kids woke up and after years in the traditional school system, they each independently saw through the holes in the system...

Traditional schools, in the U.S and many other countries, are training grounds, intentionally constructed to prepare children for The System. If schools taught our children to be self-sufficient, confident and well-equipped for real life, The System would crash, or at the very least, dissolve naturally over time. So, why don't we tell our children the truth about The System as soon as they are old enough to understand? Instead of teaching children how to get along in a dysfunctional world, why don’t we teach our kids how to create their lives based on their highest values?

-By Contributing Writer Nanice Ellis

"Once a child is programmed for twelve or more years, he or she is well primed to move into the ' real world' with beliefs and behaviors that feed and perpetuate a systematic agenda."

If you are someone who is voluntarily attending school, or even involuntarily, this is something worth reading. It's good to be aware of these realities and what the truth is.

School is limiting, you don't need school to justify being educated.

And this is not to say that school is not beneficial at all, but there are many other reputable outlets of education and sources of knowledge that would overall be more efficient and benefiting.

The system is corrupt, find the ways around it and save yourself time and money. And from becoming a society robot, the unfortunate majority.

And now a word from our extraterrestrial observers:

E.T. is like: "Pull the plug!"