Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Balance is Happiness

Find balance in every aspect of your life; balance is the key to a happy, healthy life.

Conformity is doing what everyone else is doing despite what is right. Morality is doing what is right despite what everyone else is doing.

Peace is the process of processing life the way it is, rather than the way it should be. And becoming united as one with the universe.

Always strive to make a positive impact.

I would like to get a yin-yang tattoo on my mid-back.

Balance and harmony~

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Intelligent Intuition

Some things are common knowledge, human instinct and intuition. It's amazing how we seem to adapt and comprehend certain things without being necessarily taught. And some knowledge is just so blatant and redundant that you don't need to be directly educated on it. Certain skills and information are acquired by practice and research, but there's general knowledge that's just there. Energy is an absolute; something that exists on it's own without reliability on something else. Everything seems to trace back to energy as the main source. And it's just there. Some things aren't meant to be scientifically explained, only marveled at the genuine incredibility.

The "meaning" of life and ethics is simple knowledge, albeit complicated to act upon: the maximization of the synthesis of Gibbs free energy into generalized happiness (or the minimization of suffering). All known virtues are aligned towards this purpose. 

A main necessity of life? Connection. Simple (yet not). You are designed for it. We require it as a species. Love is at the core of it. Truth cannot be removed from it. Virtue is born of it. Life without connection is death in the making.

 It isn't a stupid question but it does elicit plenty of stupid answers. When selfish people speak about love, it provides the most sordid kind of humor. When enlightened people speak of love, they are seldom understood. there is a paradigm shift that must take place to understand. That shift is to discover that Love is not about getting and that our selfish autonomy keeps us imbalanced and starving for understanding.

Love is wanting the other person to be happy, and that may not always mean by your side. I came to realize that although I would want my loved ones close to me, they would always be with me in my heart and if they would be happier, physically, somewhere else then I wouldn't want to hold them back... Love is sacrifice, however it's also compromise because you don't want to lose each other.

The meaning of life is to find meaning in it yourself; if everything means nothing to you then you are disregarding the things in life that deserve appreciation like just the sole fact that you are alive. This is ignorance, to not find a single purpose to live for when just a single impact on someone's life can make your existence worth something. You need to find the people who will value and appreciate you for everything you are. people who wake up every day grateful to live. This is the kind of positivity that this world lacks, but instead there's so much sadness and destruction and suicide. If I can contribute to world peace and salvation, even just a small percentage, then I will be doing my job as a selfless human being that wants nothing more but to help others and the world around her.

Everything is tied in from my love of the planet, my frustration of how people have let things go downhill and continue to contribute to the destruction; all of my anger was rooted in this. I become stubborn and righteous in conversations about the world and people because I feel so strongly towards the issues we are having. Overpopulation, pollution, just everything; it's all tied in with my dislike of people in general and what they do and how they act and waste their time and resources. It really makes me frustrated and ashamed to be human sometimes. But then I become grateful because I'm alive and I am able to realize these things and have so much strength and compassion because maybe I can impact things positively, maybe I can help the world and people and even if only a small percentage at least it will be something. And that is my goal.

Diligent Intelligence

I love reading about and studying human psychology, it completely intrigues me. Understanding mental functions and behaviors helps you understand yourself and others around you more. It's so interesting being able to learn and understand how a human's brain generally works. I'm someone who likes to find reliable answers to things, so I guess I'm a scientist in that way. Attributing and distributing knowledge in general is satisfying to me.

Break down everything logically, analytically, and explain it. We do this with pretty much everything in the universe; food, plants, organic matter, anything that is something.


He who pushes his ignorance off on to the world, is only projecting himself unto others. Which is even more ignorant because you're assuming everyone else is as incapable of holding an objective worldview as you are. And while the majority of people are ignorant, there are people grounded in logic and rationality. People who purely focus on the grand scheme of things in an objective manner. And aren't enclosed in a subjective, reality dismissing state of mind.

Feelings are inevitable, but objectivity is the ability to be able to put those feelings aside.

People have their reasons for liking things. I'd rather base my feelings on facts though and not be like the ignorant majority.

Relationship Advice Worth Reading

Maybe she said it's over. Maybe she said she doesn't love you anymore. Or maybe (if she's really mad) she said she never loved you at all. And now? Now she's dating that other dude.

You might think you've got no chance.

Believe it or not, none of those things have anything to do with whether you can get your girlfriend back.

Because as you'll see, there's something she desperately wants — something that only YOU can give her.
There's a sneaky little secret about women she's been hiding from you, and for good reason: it is the biggest secret to overcoming her resistance and capturing her again. It's the secret that makes the difference between getting her back and keeping her this time—or letting her slip away forever.

We don't plan to fail, we plan to succeed. But we must plan properly.

There isn't a woman alive who thinks: You know what I want to do? I want to fall in love with a guy and give him my heart, my body, my soul. I want to make memories, inside jokes and plans for the future ... and then, I want my heart to be ripped away from his like a scab covering a bloody scar and have to go through the process all over again.

In other words: when you started dating, she wanted it to work out!

And every step she took with you was a step toward the future. Every step she took with you was a bonding experience. Every step made her feel closer to you. Every step was another investment on her part (and yours, too).

Eventually, she got to a point where she "couldn't do it anymore," because she didn't see a way to make that investment work. She tried to tell you what was wrong, how she felt, and why she was unhappy. Maybe you listened, but she didn't feel heard or understood.

She felt like she was on a merry-go-round of madness, seeing the same scenery, the same issues over and over again.

And she was working on the relationship like it was her PhD thesis; that's how she felt. And when she didn't believe you were in the same boat with her, when she felt like she was the only one rowing, she bailed.
She was emotionally drained and saw no way out but to get out. And because it's so painful for her to face her disappointment, to face the failure of all she hoped for, she tells you all of these falsehoods.

This is where it gets really interesting: Even though she feels like she worked hard on this relationship, she still (at least partially) blames herself for its failure. It's easier for her to tell you it's over; think of it as a coping mechanism.

It's easier to be mad than to feel hurt, disappointed, or to get her hopes up again. She thinks if she can convince herself she doesn't want to be with you anymore, maybe, just maybe, the ache in her heart will stop hurting so much.

And you understand this—intuitively.

The fact is, if there was ANY way she could see things possibly working out with you, she'd be back in your arms quicker than you can microwave a Hot Pocket. 

Why? Because you know her. She feels comfortable with you. Intimate with you. You know her vulnerabilities. You know the things she's embarrassed about, the secrets about her no one else knows.
She doesn't want to go through the terrifying process of doing that with someone new. She doesn't want the last however-long-you-were-dating to feel like a waste.

Now, this might sting a bityou're the only one who can heal the hurt because you're the one that caused it. 

Yeah, she can move on and find someone else, but a part of her soul and a part of her heart will be left behind. And there will be a scar that covers it, making her a little more jaded, a little less open and a little more cynical.

She doesn't want that. I would guess that you don't want that.

And it doesn't have to end that way.