Friday, January 23, 2015

Butterflies and Memories~

~Butterflies and memories... They drift away with the breeze.... Their beauty lingers in your dreams.... Don’t make something yours that you can’t keep... That happiness is only but a passing moment in time... Not a moment to live in forever.... If only time could stop, then I would make you stay with me and we wouldn’t have to leave ever.... Now like a butterfly, I must take flight... Let me be free, you’ll never catch me.... I was never meant to be caged... I don’t have a home, only places I have lived in... Stories to tell.... I am a traveler... You don't seem to know who I really am... I don’t belong in any one place... And yet no matter how much I try to move on from you, those memories I can’t erase.... And I always dream of your face... I miss you and I wish you could’ve been the one to make me stay... But you never did.... And now I must be on my way...~ Goodbye, goodbye.. Dear loved one... For you I will always cry....

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