Thursday, January 29, 2015

Mix and Match

Everything in life is spread out like a memory match game and you have to find the pairs that match. You have to put the puzzle pieces together. Well, I suppose you don't have to, but your life would make a lot more sense if you did. "For everything to be matched, you have to mix it," my sister would say as I joined her for a game of memory match. And that can be applied to life as well. No one ever finds their match right next to them, unless they're extremely lucky like when you find two matching cards right next to each other and are filled with surprise and excitement, they have to search for them. They have to find their missing puzzle piece. You have to immerse yourself into the crowd of colors before you mix with one and become united. And the color you make together, when you are intertwined, when you are making love is the perfect shade of passion. You have been matched up and paired because truly you are one in the same and when you mesh into one, your puzzle is complete. It's beautiful how this world works so in sync with a lot of things, like it's meant to be a certain way. But sometimes people are ignorant and blinded and don't see that the puzzle piece that they've been missing is right in front of them. Sometimes you don't have to search for it because it's already found you. Sometimes the answers we seek in life to pair up with our questions are more evident than we had thought. But people spend so much time searching through crowds of people, sifting through them, and the magnet to their soul has been in their life this whole time. Nothing else could click correctly. Once a perfectly molded piece has fit into the hole, anything else would be too big or too small. Anything different would disrupt that perfect equilibrium. You can't water a flower too little or too much. The harmony that your union creates is amazing and everything feels right. And when we made love, our bodies fit perfectly together and when we held hands and our fingers intertwined it felt so right... Of course anger can separate, it can destroy the puzzle and all of the progress and set the pieces apart. Perhaps never to be put back together again. And sometimes those puzzle pieces get lost and even though you search and search for them, they are gone. It's truly a tragedy. Or people seem to skew and mangle the puzzle pieces so much that they don't even fit together anymore, they have come to all of these conclusions that the relationship isn't working because what first brought them together and how they clicked so perfectly after the years with all the fights and disagreements the puzzle pieces get bent. And people don't know how to make them fit together again, like they did in the beginning and sometimes innocence works better than knowledge. Because with the innocence of a new relationship, before the harsh realities of life hit you and you go through the trials and tribulations of being in a relationship, you find out that it's much harder to connect the pieces than you thought it was in the beginning. They may be right there in front of you, but to put them all together; it could take years to complete the puzzle. And sometimes the puzzle is left unfinished... I feel that the greatest joy in life is finding the missing piece to your love, the one who fills that spot like nothing else can no matter how much you try to bend and contort other pieces to fit like the original, it will never be the same. It can't be replaced. So then you give up and throw the puzzle away and live your life with mismatched puzzle pieces. Connect love happiness and success to your puzzle, each puzzle piece fulfills something. It helps paint the picture, you can't leave the bottom half of a canvas empty or it will look like it's missing something. Or maybe it's just white space that has been left undecided; it represents indecision and the unknown. Because sometimes there is that doubt in life, before the path is completely illuminated and you can see clearly. Someday, hopefully you will....

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