Friday, January 23, 2015

The girl I love doesn't even understand who I am....

When the one you love tells you that they're leaving you because of 'irreconcilable differences' when you both agree and get along so well for the most part. And you have such a wonderful connection and so much chemistry that seems to be ignored in the heat of the moment. You just have really silly fights that blow out of proportion sometimes. And the funny thing is that you both agree on everything because the conversations are logical and factual, yet you instigate fights by cutting each other off or some kind of immature behavior. When they leave and give that reason, even though the appropriate solution would've been to avoid fights by communicating more calmly and effectively. Yet they just deem it as a lost hope, when they're the hopeless ones not caring to put in the effort to diffuse these unnecessary situations. And then they settle on the conclusion that it's just you as a person they can't deal with because they correlate all of the bullshit to your character. "These shitty things happen so it must be this person." How about: shit happens (inevitably) and you learn to deal with in the best ways possible by doing the right thing because you are both intelligent capable human beings? Laziness should be the real discrepancy here. "I don't like the way you think and act, you have terrible worldviews." This is quite a bold statement to make, when the reason we argued was because of lack of effective communication which is cause for misunderstandings which leads to misconceptions of people. You never really understood who I was, unfortunately. I mean, you may have had an idea; but certainly not any deep understanding. And things you bashed me about only verified that. Like "You think all celebrities have plastic surgery." Huge indicator. Just making that statement on its own sounds ignorant. Like fuck, did you really think that poorly of me? To believe I would think in such silly ways? This honestly makes me laugh because it shows me how truly little you analyzed/considered what I told you; how little you truly listened to what I had to say. Yes, celebrities are notoriously fake. That is what the whole industry is based on. What I mainly emphasized on was the synthetic aspect, which isn't only plastic surgery. And no, not all celebrities have work done on them obviously. It's not a requirement, just an option I guess you could say. It makes me really sad that you would make such accusations of me, when you should know me better. You bash me and say "Daisy you think you are the only one who thinks of all these things. Congratulations for thinking of all of these fabulous ways around the system." Another fucking misconception and why effective communication really needed to be emphasized on. There was definitely capability; this relationship had so much potential. Before you make such blinded accusations, analyze what I tell you thoroughly and the references I make to successful people who have done the things I hope to achieve. Like authors and scientists. That right there makes your statement of me look so dismissive. So here I am trying to salvage my character, while you continue to bash me with false accusations of the person you have made me out to be. And you think I'm so opposed to education when I educate myself on a daily basis with all sorts of reputable sources (books, professional blogs, documentaries). Two of the things I spend most of my time doing are reading and writing. I love knowledge; I love the facts. And you should at least know that about me. I am a very logical person and I have always been from a very young age. Teachers had wanted to put me in advanced programs all throughout my school life. They had told my father "This girl is very special and she exceeds the student standards. She needs to excel in a different environment more appropriate for her high level of intelligence and rapid learning pace." And this is why eventually I switched to home school where I could exert my independence and learning skills more adequately without being restrained to a classroom where I had to go at the teacher's pace. I was very pleased with that and seemed to get a lot more work done. The amount of time I could be confined to a classroom listening to a teacher read from a textbook or show me how to solve a math problem, I could just as easily pick it up on my own or watch a video on it and overall just save much more time. It all seems a bit wasteful to me, but that's just because I am a person who values time and efficiency. What you don't realize is that the same professors who are teaching you out of a textbook, could just as easily be the professors teaching you on a video or perhaps they wrote a book on their expertise on a certain subject and you read it. Knowledge is not limited to a school environment. School is more of a requirement for certain careers that need some sort of evidence that you are proficient in a field of expertise and it's not always higher pay. As a matter of fact, with so many students in debt, it can prove to be more financially draining in the long run. So, no I'm not opposed to going to school; I just acknowledge the different ways around it and would like to waste as little time/money as possible. Wouldn't we all? After all, that in itself is intelligence.

Honestly, I think the reason people misunderstand me so much is because I am so different.. And people see my ideas as dumb and silly because they stray so far from the typical... I have been described as ambitious my whole life... However, I'm very realistic and it balances out well in the end.

I am Daisy Jamie Domian and I deserve to at least be acknowledged properly. If you made the effort to know me, at least really get to know who I am before you walk away "forever" and give all these bullshit reasons that really just sum up to be your laziness and ignorance. Thank you.

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