Friday, July 10, 2015

At least some people are aware of the bullshit...

Quoted from a friend's status:

"Dear Yahoo! news (and I use that term as loosely as possible), according to you, there are only two races of people that exist in the world; white and black. And any other group is talked about through the catalysis of these two groups. One trick pony, I get it. People keep coming to your pony show EACH AND EVERY time.... I get it. It's multi-mass media, it's advertising, propaganda.. It's all for convenience, attention, and money. But if possible, how about A. stop treating celebrity news as if it's actual beneficial news. It's not. B. get some fucking diversity. I'm tired of whites, I'm tired of blacks. Seriously.

Sincerely, someone sick and tired of seeing who Miley Cyrus' bony ass is kissing. When there's way more important shit to be concerned with."

-Ashlyn Forge


"I just wish they would report the facts and not tell me how I'm supposed to feel about it."

"And I agree, I could care less who Miley Cyrus is playing tonsil hockey with. I've got far better things to spend my time reading and informing myself on."

"And Google is not much different, same shit different place. It's all about gossip; it's pretty much the same formula. Whiny white parent trying to tell you how their life is awful. Black person guilty of murder. All this hyped up bullshit. And shuffle that shit right around. On top of it? Blow by fucking blow about each and every celeb that I could care less about. Half the names I no longer even know and are wasting memory, melting brains. Bored... Bored and annoyed."

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