Friday, July 10, 2015

The Science of Life

I am about to state the TRUTH about living forever. To live forever, you need Stem Cells. We humans are created with Stem Cells. When we are developing in the womb, stem cells are created and those cells form all the organs in the body. You can call Stem Cells "cell templates." The reason why that is true is because Stem Cells can literally transform into any cell that exists. If we could create trillions of stem cells for every person, we could all become immortal. The reasoning behind this is whenever an organ starts to fail, you create a new organ with stem cells! It would be like changing the faulty parts in a car or any other mechanical device! Think about it, your heart starts to fail and all donated hearts from organ donors are already scheduled to be used by another person. What do you do? If you can create a new heart from Stem Cells, you'll have a healthy new heart! If we could develop a way to mass produce stem cells and technology to use the stem cells for creating new organs and refreshing the brain to make it as if it was 20 years old in order to preserve your memories, you could potentially live forever! Sadly, Christians with their stupid ideas and "morals" have almost completely botched Stem Cell research! This is a reason why I hate Christians so much. Those bastards inhibit VALUABLE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH! Using Stem Cells to live forever is also much better than using robotic parts because you'll still be 100% human. Tell me people, does it pain you to know that arguably one of the most important scientific discoveries, "Stem Cells", isn't being researched that well because some lunatics who believe in a magical man who created the universe don't accept SCIENCE?

More valubale information:

Oxygen is a free radical, not an antioxidant.  It is true we use it for respiration, but it also is still slowly causing damage to cells of the body.

Keep URINE PH around 7.3 and the brain will stay healthy, cheat with BAKING SODA (more info on this in another post).

Two things you mainly want to flush out is carcinogens and cholesterol. For this you need vitamins and minerals as well as a lot of water. The vitamins create essentially hydrogen peroxide for the most part. Hydrogen peroxide is just water with a free oxygen atom attached; the oxygen will bond to and sequester carbon and  unwanted atoms or molecules. Minerals act as catalysts and neural gates. Additionally nano minerals bond to and sequester excess cholesterol. You can buy nano dirt capsules from Germany or get a concentrated soluble ion solution at a health shop.

To clarify, everything should be a balance; this is ultimately the key of life. Having more potassium than sodium can lead to problems too. There shouldn't be more of this and that. Everything should be what the body tells it it should be.

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