Tuesday, July 14, 2015

This frustrates me...

People that say reality is stupid and usually hate talking about it are people too busy living in fantasy. It's also the same people that spend a lot of time sitting in front of the television feeding into bullshit riddled media and just helping perpetuate a corrupt system in general, whether they're aware of it or not. And the same people that think you have a horrible worldview simply because you're attentive to all of the overwhelming negative realities of the world that they choose not to contend with so they can come off as being more optimistic and continue living in fantasy. Truth is truth, opinion doesn't make anything a fact; perceive things as they should be, simply put. I don't completely blame them for wanting to remain in their sheltered fantasy worlds, but being aware of reality and the truth of it is one step closer to helping make this world a better place; a place where you would rather live than in a fantasy world so that you don't have to be a contradicting pile of flesh, complaining about how shitty reality is and yet doing all the things that only help support it. Being attentive to reality and actually helping make the world a better place is what I strive to do. Much more productive than wasting away while wasting time doing wasteful shit. Because the ones who would rather just escape are the ones too lazy to even try and make a difference in this world for the better. I may be ambitious and my ideas may be far-fetched to the point where people deem them as 'stupid,' but at least my intentions are good and I fucking try... You kind of have to stretch your ambitions in this world; to rise above the shit takes a lot of ambition and at least I try every day and it is all in pure selflessness. So if being able to put your selfish ways aside is stupid to you and I'm talking to everyone and anyone, then you are a selfish unnapreciative fuck and quite bluntly all I have to say is fuck you because you're one of the reasons why the world is the way it is.

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