Thursday, July 23, 2015

Organizing Your Life

The key to reaching your goals and staying productive is: organization. I have been struggling with that concept for quite some time and have devised different methods of dealing with it and avoiding a wasteful lifestyle. I would go through a whole day without feeling necessarily accomplished, sure I'm grateful even just for being alive, but I felt dissapointed because I'm not doing much with that advantage. So instead of moping around and feeling depressed about it, I put that energy into turning things around. I started to take action and make a schedule to promote discipline and consistency. You have to be a little strict with yourself sometimes, in order to reach a certain goal. You need to truly implement essential qualities into your lifestyle; this includes organization, discipline, and consistency. I realized that in order to maintain those qualities, I had to put in a lot of effort. Thankfully, pretty much all of those qualities are naturally ingrained in me so I just have to make sure to emphasize on them. I found out I had more potential than I had assumed, due to my stagnant life. The problem was truly putting those qualities into action and bringing out my true potential. Surprisingly enough, it wasn't as tough of a challenge as most would assume. Sometimes we have the abilities in us, but we don't carry out the actions necessary. With so many distractions and excuses, it's easy to get side-tracked and procrastinate. I began bu making a list of goals I want to accomplish within a certain time frame, for example "Goals for the year of 2015." I then analyzed each one to see which ones are actually possible to accomplish right now and I made a separate little list and divided the goals into a different month. So, for example, "Finish my short story by the end of this month." You really have to prioritize what's truly important to you, especially if you're schedule is already filled with a lot of different responsibilities. I even made smaller goals like "baking a cake, making a song cover, practicing the piano, drawing a picture.." And to avoid the time consuming issue of indecisiveness, I cut them into small papers, wrapped them up, and put them all in a container to shake up and pull a couple out each day. It really helps you get stuff done and accomplishment is such a good feeling. You feel like you're actually moving; you're making good use of your time and not just wasting it away. You have a roadmap, a plan, you know what you want and where you're going.

Here is the guide to creating your own roadmap:

Write down what you would like your day to look like tomorrow. Think about your desires, your goals, your abilities.


Today's goals/objectives:




-Plant some lavender ___
-Organize my desk area ___
-Prepare a homemade meal ___
-Finish reading my book ___
-Work on my story ___
-Play with the kids ___
-Practice the piano ___
-Draw a picture ___
-Engage in physical activity ___

Gameplan: (Remember to be time efficient, time is valuable)
-7:00am: Wake up/Have breakfast
-7:30am: Read some of my book (a couple chapters)
-8:00am: Go out (avoid harsh sunlight hours between 10am-4pm) and work in my garden
-9:00am: Play with the kids/have a snack
-10:00am: Take a shower/bubble bath
-11:00am: Work on my story
-12:00pm: Prepare lunch
-1:00pm: Clean up/get chores done
-2:00pm: Practice the piano
-3:00pm: Draw a picture
-4:00pm: Have a snack/watch an educational film
-5:00pm: Listen to music/finish working on story
-6:00pm: Prepare dinner (homemade meal)
-7:00pm: Do some exercises
-8:00pm: Relax/finish reading book
-9:00pm: Unwind/get ready for bed
-10:00pm: Listen to some low music on headphones (classical, instrumental)
-11:00pm: Sleep time

*Five ideas to promote productivity every day:
1. Create something
2. Plant something
3. Organize something
4. Finish something (a book, a drawing, a story, etc.)
5. Do a good deed (help someone, fix something, etc.)

And don't forget to put some time to the side for your hobbies! Balance is important.

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