Sunday, February 22, 2015

Having a Proper Understanding of the World

As we all know, opinions are like assholes; everyone has one. And although we are all entitled to our own feelings, we are not entitled to our own facts. Whether they are political, religious, moral, ethical, atheist, Christian, Buddhist, legal or illegal, these are all different views on life. However, not all opinions are necessarily true, meaning that the worldview underlying the opinion was not necessarily in conformity with reality. For example, different religious viewpoints aren't really based on evidence; they are based on belief. Yet, the opinions and commentary continues to flow, often without anyone questioning the worldviews forming the opinions. And ignorance is a huge issue in our society. People often buy into beliefs and ideas, certain religions and superstitions, without really analyzing them thoroughly. Therefore, their ideas are naturally less realistic. And like any religious person, they are guided by these beliefs rather than just solely focusing on solid facts. What is important is to merely focus on the reality of things and be well-rounded as well, so overall having a full understanding of every side so you can consider and analyze everything thoroughly and make the best rational decision. As long as a person has valid reasoning and makes decisions based on facts, then it is justifiable. For example: I like yoga because it relieves stress. In order to have the most proper worldview, you must analyze things from every angle objectively. As to say; you can't just consider one aspect, you have to take every objective characteristic and visual quality to make an accurate unbiased review on something. Working as a web search evaluator this is a crucial requirement; you must be able to provide objective reviews on websites and have solid information backing it up. For example: The layout of this website is very organized because everything is separated into different pages (health, beauty, fitness, etc). Be a rational person and have your valid reasoning; justify your feelings with facts and live a life grounded in reality so you can reap the best rewards out of life. This is what I strive to do.

To clarify: Objective information or analysis is fact-based, measurable and observable.

There are things in the universe that are true. You can observe them and use them as valid points of communication, like "The water is frozen." And because of the ability to observe objective characteristics of an object we can use it as a foundation of knowledge. The basis of knowledge are the laws of gravity and physics, those are the absolutes that are the essential fundamentals of discerning further knowledge on a particular subject. So it's about building on top of the basic blocks of knowledge; the absolutes, the foundation of human life in general. Because we know that gravity exists, we can expand on it and attain valid knowledge that will help us have a better understanding of things. The truth is there, we just need to interpret it properly. Cigarettes have always been harmful to your health, people were just ignorant and quite frankly hadn't done enough research or study on them. But there is general knowledge and there are objective visuals that humans rely on for good decision making, pertaining to their health and just their lives in general; if they want to live happy, healthy, successful lives. A good diet consists of specific nutrients, you must fuel your body properly. They tell us to eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables, with this objective visual characteristic we can find the right fruits and vegetables to consume. And it is about balance, consuming too much water can be poisonous. So it's about having that general essential knowledge of the world around you. And interpreting things as they should be, factually. So when you are faced with the decision of smoking, you know that they are factually harmful. They consist of toxic chemicals that are hazardous to your health, especially if exposed to them in excess. People tend to be ignorant though and mix their emotions and ill-interpretations with objective reality and thus subjectivity is born. It is best to keep personal feelings to yourself and not try to incorporate them into logical situations. For example, when asked what clothing is better suited for cold weather, you would answer logically based on facts, rather then personally based on feelings. So naturally you would answer, "Long sleeves, jackets, scarves, pants." Because those are articles of clothing that are generally suitable for cold weather.

It really is survival of the smartest out there.

Majority of people are unfortunately ignorant and are driven by personal feelings which is why there's so much chaos and conflict. If people would join together and unite by agreeing on objective reality and the things in the universe that are independently true, then there would be more unity. But people are far too busy trying to justify their feelings, as if it's just as worthy as knowledge. It's like a Christian who doesn't want to believe in science and denies it, by trying to justify Christianity. The existence of God is not subjective, he either exists or he doesn't. This goes for everything. Opinions don't make something true. If something is true, it's true independently. It is fact-based, measurable, and observable. And it's a matter of acknowledging it. If people focused on the facts rather than their feelings, the world would be a much more organized place with less chaos and destruction. And if someone is a rational human being than facts affect their feelings.

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