Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Making things the way they should be... Because we can

Working through problems and actually making a change to make things better can make a relationship better, stronger, and last longer. The key aspect here is: change. However, it's really hard for people to change; to break bad habits and do things the right way. And so they kind of give up... When they do, everybody loses. Giving up is one of the worst things you can do. The vast majority of long-term successful couples break up and get back together various times before achieving success. Because on the path to success, you will be met with failure. But you keep trying until you get it right. It's like practicing to play and instrument. It's a learning process. And you should never give up on something you love. Anything worth having will be hard to fight for. Life doesn't give us what we want or love. Life gives us what we fight for. So if you want something, be prepared to put blood sweat and tears into it. Be prepared to go out into the battlefield. Because nothing in life is free. You earn what you win, you win what you deserve. Now stop whining and being a pussy and get out there. Success isn't going to land on your doorstep. If you want something to work, you will make it work. You won't complain about how it isn't working. You will acknowledge your wrongdoing and find positive solutions; you will find a way to make it work if it's something you want. Because remember, where there's a will there's a way. And stop talking; talk is cheap. Let your actions speak for you. You'll get a lot farther that way and accomplish a lot more.

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