Sunday, February 1, 2015

Think about it...

I know a lot of expectancy was placed on you and you were under a lot of pressure and I'm sorry; I don't want you to think I don't understand you because I think out of everyone I understood you the most and you took me for granted. We would get into a fight that would blow out of proportion a few times a month and next thing I knew you were throwing my stuff in garbage bags. It's like our relationship is a song stuck on repeat. You said it was a gradual change from one spectrum to the other, but you literally went from wanting to work things out just a week before you broke up with me to "I never want to be with you again!" That kind of sounds like someone who doesn't know what the fuck they want, or better yet someone that doesn't know what they have. You had told me a week before you "permanently" broke things off with me "I really want this to work, I really really do." And because of your lack of self control, that night you came to pick me up you blew up in my face and completely showed the opposite of what you had said. Such unreliability. I hope you told your friends and family about that; I hope you told your friends and family everything about you. And not just pin all the blame on me because it really seems to be a fucking blame game with you. And your parents are huge enablers, which is why I worry you won't ever change. And the tidbits your parents would hear was shit you would skew around and tell them about me or silly arguments they would overhear so they had a poor perception of me and who I really am. It's quite sad. And your parents are really traditional so I could tell they hated my ideas and plans for the future, they thought I was silly. Like look at this ambitious girl trying to steer our daughter down a different path, even though you made it clear that you had already given college a try and wanted to try doing things differently (it was a personal decision, or so I had thought). But then you turn around and tell me I had such different ideas and ideals than you, so much that they were irreconcilable. Really Caroline? The real discrepancy here was yourself. Because I'm here willing to put in 100% and do what it takes to make it work. It's silly because we bonded over a lot of things and when we had arguments it wasn't even that we necessarily disagreed because we would have really logical factual conversations; it's just that we would communicate in a way that would piss the other person off. You told me a conversation is supposed to grow organically and we should be able to talk about whatever and that's what I always told you, but what bothered me was when you would cut me off before I was even able to make my initial point and then misunderstandings would happen and blah. We had a lot of proper ideals and we had mutual ideas and plans for our future. We were smart and wanted to just focus on reality and do the right thing. And we were trying, but it takes time. So ask yourself, was the relationship really all that bad, or was it just you?

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