Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Beauty of Knowledge

It's amazing and convenient that there are so many outlets for the distribution of knowledge and different mediums of education. College is more of a requirement now because you need a degree, some proof of education/training for a specific job/career. But the same textbooks a teacher reads out of and material that he teaches can be found on the internet from many reputable sources. You can watch videos/documentaries and do research on your own and probably obtain more information than you would be by sitting in a classroom restricted to a certain subject, limited to a textbook and having to listen to a professor educate you on material that you could have easily taught yourself in a much quicker time period. But you have to choose what is worth your time and why. If you have a certain career you are working towards, then enduring college may be worth it. Make your time and money worth it. Make rational decisions. You have to consider everything. What if you settle for something that is financially draining and it proves to be worthless afterwards because maybe the job you ended up getting wasn't even due to the degree you held in your hand; it was because of networking and other strategic actions. So you just wasted time and money that was, in the end, unnecessary. Find the ways around things if you can; find the loopholes in the system. It's all about knowing how to play the game. It really is a battlefield out there; survival of the smartest. The truth is the government and society wants people to live their lives a certain way that benefits them. But don't conform. Don't submit yourself. Never surrender! Because you're basically handing your life away if you do. And remember, you only live once. So do it right. Live, laugh and love is missing an L: Learn. Find the most effective ways to go about things. And then don't give up until you accomplish them. It's easier said than done, but it's harder if you don't try. Every time you try you're making it easier and getting one step closer to success. Without applying knowledge to life, there is no rationality.

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