Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Lessons On Love and Success (Succeeding in what you love)

If you have the preconceived notion that something's not going to work out, then you know what it's probably not. This is something my ex-girlfriend would tell me; words from the mouth of the hypocrite herself. "It's like you're setting yourself up for failure." You have no right to make an assumption that something won't work out, if you're not willing to see it through. That is ignorance. And if you put forth the effort that is necessary to make it work and you know within yourself that you are capable of it because you are willing to do what it takes, then you will and believe me you will see success. They say that when someone really wants something they won't give up on it. They will always find at least one justifiable reason to stay and fight for it. "It's my dream, it's my passion!" But it's pretty silly when someone tells you they really really want to make something work and then they turn around about a week later, after an explosion of anger and reverting back to lazy selfish ways, and just leave it at "it's not working out so I'm done!" If it's space that you need it's understandable, if it's time to think and work on yourself and whatever other necessities. But to just give up on something and make it so final, just makes it seem like you never really wanted it as much as you claimed to. And it makes you look like a really confused person who doesn't know what they want or how to achieve what they want. Just because something isn't working out, because of imposing situations/circumstances and someone's behavior/actions, doesn't mean it never will or can't. Where there's a willing person, there's a way. Where there's a person who sees failure as permanent downfall or stagnation, rather than a learning experience and time to strengthen, that's where the problem is. It's not so much what they are trying to achieve or with who, it's themselves. They are their biggest enemy. The best thing is when you have two people working together as a team and willing to do what it takes to salvage their relationship. Because that's what it takes. It takes two strong, willing, compromising people to make any relationship work. And if you're not that kind of person, or willing to be, then you're not right for any potentially successful relationship period. Those are personal things you must conquer, not something you blame on your partner. You have to find the strength and compassion and willingness to make something right within yourself. And then shine that positivity on to others who are feeling hopeless and down. Because that's how you help each other reach success. No one is positive, happy-dandy all the time. We need support and motivation sometimes. That's called teamwork. It's about following through with your commitment of being there for a person in their time of need, to pick them up when they fall down. We are all generally after the same objective in life. Any smart couple with the right kind of perspective and ideals can be ultimately united and make something work. What do you think it takes to make two people compatible for success? It's those basic good qualities. The fundamentals of a healthy relationship are general objective characteristics. And you are capable, if you are willing. We all just want to be happy and successful, don't we? So why not help each other out? And what more inspiration then doing it for the one you love? Unless of course you're a selfish fuck who is ill-suited for relationships.

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