Monday, February 9, 2015

Love Stuff

Love is being able to put someone else before you. Love is kind and patient and understanding and forgiving. And love is unconditional. It is compromise and sacrifice. And fighting till the death. Love is going to the extreme. And doing things that you wouldn't do otherwise. Love is worth fighting for.

Real genuine love always prevails...

I remember getting that feeling when I first started talking to you, that giddy feeling of excitement and nervousness, just by seeing that you were logged on. That green little dot made my heart race and it put an automatic smile on my face. It was close to that feeling you get on Christmas when you're a little kid, but ten times better. As a matter of fact, we talked all of Christmas day (and Christmas Eve) and I have to say it was the best Christmas I ever had... Those things you made me feel, they're exclusive to you. Only you can do that to me. And I feel so powerless that you have that control over me...

True love is not logical, it's emotional. 

You were my lover, my best friend, my pride and joy, my hero, my salvation, my motivation... You were my everything and more in one...

What's meant to be will be.... Let it go and if it comes back it was always yours. If it doesn't it never was.

Nothing starts out successful, you have to do the right thing, you have to take the proper steps to make it successful. If you want to make it work, you got to make it right.

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