Tuesday, February 17, 2015

No one ever said it was easy...

You'll never achieve anything if you don't try. The key is consistency and perseverance. "Life doesn't give you what you want or love, life gives you what you fight for." All you can do is all you can do, but all you can do is enough. Remember that when you are feeling hopeless and down. People put in minimal effort and then complain that something's not working. Well, if you're not putting in the necessary effort then you won't really get anywhere. But people get discouraged and think that because something's not working it'll never work, and depression can contribute to that as well. But that's where the problem is; that's what is holding you back. You need to be realistic, but you need to be attentive to positive solutions if you want to be successful. Don't be lazy and sit there complaining about something not being right; get the fuck up and haul ass to make it work and stop whining about it being hard (anything worth having is going to most likely be hell to fight for). You have to make it right. "My dumb car is a piece of shit and needs all this work done.." Well, it ain't going to fix itself. Success is something that must be obtained. It is about doing shit right and reaping the best rewards out of life. No one is born successful. Unless of course you're a lucky bastard who was born into a wealthy family and inherited all this money. But I feel that the things you earn in life are the most special because you appreciate them more. And you must never give up; don't ever give up on something you love and are passionate about. I will never give up on writing, whether I get published or not. But it's also something that I can't help; I just naturally find myself picking up a pen and paper and writing pretty much anytime and anywhere. I'll be at the grocery store with my little notebook and suddenly stop in the middle of an aisle to jot something down. Sit down and truly evaluate your whole life and get your priorities straight; what is important to you and your happiness and why? Because sometimes we sit around and complain about being unhappy while not taking any actions to work towards happiness. Or not really knowing what makes us happy altogether. People set themselves up for failure.

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