Saturday, February 7, 2015

Here you are searching the world for someone to love you
When there's someone here that would die for you...
When there's someone here that loves you more than anybody else ever could
When there's someone here that would choose you over anyone else
When there's someone here that would give you everything and more
When there's someone here that keeps all their promises and is loyal and faithful and sincere
You have that person right here...

Nothing compares to your embrace
No one else can make my heart race...
These dreams that I chase
You're in every single one of my happy endings
You were my happy beginning

When you told me I was the girl of your dreams
Were you prepared to let me make your dreams come true?

I want to be happy
Just as much as you

I see your picture
I can almost hear your voice
It's moments like that
That tear me up inside
Knowing you're gone
And all I have is what you left behind
Photos and memories

 Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it...

But I still believe there’s something left for me here, or else my heart wouldn’t be speaking so loudly every time I think of you.... And I try to move on, but something keeps holding me back...

Soon I came to realize that nothing I could say would save you, so I had to let you go... I had to stop holding on to you so tight, while you were slipping away from my grip slowly. I truly hope that you find happiness wherever life may take you. And I have to accept that it might not ever lead you back into my arms. But I love you and want you to be happy and if you would be happier without me than I’d rather let you go... But you will always be missed and loved dearly...

Aside from being my first love, the love we shared was powerful and amazing.. I can search high and low, but no one will ever make me feel the same way. There is no replication... It's such a beautiful incarnation... All my love for you wasn’t enough to get you to stay.. I hope that someday you will be able to love yourself the same way..

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